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Telconi GmbH
Wilhelm-Leibl-Platz 5
81479 Munich

+49 89 18952960

+49 89 18952959


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Telconi Terminal Requirements

Operating System Requirements

We currently support the following operating systems:

  • Windows 98
  • Windows NT 4.0
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
  • Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther release)
  • Sun Solaris SPARC (Solaris 8 and later distributions)
  • Sun Solaris INTEL (Solaris 9 and later distributions)
  • Linux (7.2 and later distributions)
  • FreeBSD (4.8 and later distributions)

Other Unix platforms will follow on demand.


Supported Routers, Switches and IOS® Versions

Telconi Terminal has been designed to support all IOS® based devices or PIX Firewalls. This version has been tested with many devices such as Cisco® Series 1400, 1600, 1700, 2500, 3600, 7200 and 7400 routers and Catalyst 2900XL/3500XL switches running IOS® version 12.x. It also has been tested in with a Cisco®PIX 506 and 515 firewall and various software versions. It is not possible to test all combinations of routers, switches, firewalls, IOS® or PIX versions and line cards, so Telconi Terminal might not work correctly with your configuration. If you encounter problems with your configuration, please feel free to report them as explained in the feedback section.


IOS® Configuration Requirements

The router must be accessible through an IP network. We currently do not support serial lines. The router must be configured for multiple TELNET or SSH connections and must have an IP address assigned. This initial configuration must be preconfigured using a traditional terminal application. A sample minimal configuration using a single TELNET session password is:

enable password secret

interface Ethernet0
    ip address

line vty 0 4
  password secret

Using this model, there are no usernames required when logging in (the username field in the login window is omitted). IOS® also supports a commonly used alternative model, allowing to authenticate with different user names, which can be configured like:

aaa new-model
username admin password secret
enable password secret

In this case, you need to enter the username, user password and enable password to log in. Some configurations will not require an enable password, such as:

aaa new-model
aaa authorization exec default local
username superuser privilege 15 password 0 secret

Here, you need to enter the username and password to log in, but you do not require to enter an enable password.


IOS® Secure Shell (SSH) Requirements

In order to connect securely to your device, the system image also must support it. Please refer to the documentation which system images are available for your device. In addition, the device must also have a RSA key pair configured, which can be created as follows:

router# configure terminal
router(config)# crypto key generate rsa


IOS® Secure Shell (SSH) Proxy Requirements

From version 08a, it is possible to use a Unix box as a Proxy to access the device via TELNET. The Proxy is accessed with SSH Verison 1.5 and password authentication. The SSH server on the proxy host must be configured to allow SSH protocol version 1 connections.


Cisco® PIX Requirements

For Cisco® PIX Firewalls, Telconi Terminal works with all access methods as for IOS® based devices (Telnet, SSH, Proxy). Please refer to your system documentation for further information on how to enable access protocols such as Telnet or SSH on a PIX Firewall.


Cisco® PIX Telnet and SSH Configuration

First, if not already configured, a session password and an enable password has to be configured like this:

firewall# configure terminal
firewall(config)# passwd secret
firewall(config)# enable password secret

For Telnet, the protocol must be enabled (might be by default) on the inside interface as follows (the network and netmask must be changed to your network):

firewall# configure terminal
firewall(config)# telnet inside

If you want to use SSH, you must also create a key, like:

firewall# configure terminal
firewall(config)# hostname fire
fire(config)# domain-name mydomain.com
fire(config)# ca generate rsa key 512
fire(config)# ca save all

For SSH, the protocol must be enabled on the inside interface as follows (the network and netmask must be changed to your network):

fire# configure terminal
fire(config)# ssh inside

Note that the default username for SSH based connections on is simply "pix" if you did not configure user authentication.


Trademark notice: PIX Firewall is a trademark. Cisco®, Cisco Systems®, Cisco IOS®, and IOS® are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. or certain other countries. InterMapper® is a registered trademark of Dartware, LLC. Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. Google Earth mapping service is a trademark of Google, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, registered service marks mentioned on this page are the property of their respective owners.

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